
My current and ongoing project Depart without Return is a personal reflection on death and the meaning of emptiness; it is both a lament on the transience of life and a celebration of its mystery.

I’m interested in how the artist depicts the invisible—the latent within the actual—just as the writer uses words to express the ineffable. From this seeming contradiction arises the premise of this work: an exploration of how humans conceive of the Divine through language, the body & landscape.

The combination of silk and the colour indigo is intrinsically linked to my theme. The properties and processes that form the Indigo dye make it a unique signifier of mystery and transformation.


Delmar Gallery
An Insight

Curator: Catherine Benz. Collected over the past 30 years primarily from exhibitions held at the Delmar Gallery, the Trinity Grammar School Art Collection includes works by Australian artists such as Lloyd Rees, Judy Cassab, Desiderius Orban, Lyndon Dadswell, Earle Backen and Guy Warren.

Exhibition Dates: 4th July - 1st August 2010
Gallery Hours: 12.00 - 5.00pm Wednesday - Sunday